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Shop and Establishment Act
Shop act registration process in Maharashtra required important documents of company as well as employer. Shop Act registration Charges of government fees depends on number of employees and period applied for Shop Act Registration. For Establishment company having employees below 10 ( Ten ) need not to apply for registration. However such establishments need to given intimation to Jurisdictions about the number of employees, nature of business and business start date and other such important details. For violation of this Act, penalty may be applicable upt to 1 Lac. Shop Act registration process in simple which need important documents of company. Shop Act renewal need to completed with in 30 days from the date of expiry of original shop Act else late fees shall be applicable.
As per Section 6 of Shop & Establishment Act the date on which person or company start business and employing more than 10 employees shall make application to department for Shop Act Registration.
No, Shop Act registration is not compulsory for business / companies who is having number of employees below 10 numbers. Hence no registration required. However intimation is required. Employer who having less than 10 employee shall give intimation of commencement of business to Local Jurisdiction of Shop Act department. Intimation shall be a companied with details of Name of employer , number of employees , nature of business and other details.
During the year where number of employees increases more than 10 then company shall make suitable application to department for Shop Act License. As per section 6 , where employees increases more than 10 then company shall apply for registration.
In a simple terms the registration certificate contains Name of Company , Postal Address of Company , Name of Employer, Nature of business and other details
A Shop Act License granted under sub-section (2) shall be valid for such period as may be requested by the applicant and specified therein subject to a maximum period of ten years.
Company can submit application for renewal of Shop Act registration in not less than 30 days from the date of expiry along with applicable registration fees. In case Shop Act is not renewed 30 days then company shall pay late fees along with the application fees. Late fee equal to half of the fee payable shall be applicable if license not renewed in due time. Hence company need to keep update about the renewal period for Shop Act license.
Check List of Document for Shop Act Registration
- Address Proofs
- Passport Size Photo
- Company Documents : AOA & MOA / Partnership Deed
- Image of Establishment
- Address proof of company